Ultimo Wiki
Name Vice
First Appearance Chapter 0
Species Karakuri Dôji
Epitome Evil
Birthday 2989 AD
Master K
Jun Chichibu (Temporary)
Affiliation Evil
Team The Evil Dôji Branch
Voice Actor Takashi Ōhara

Vice (バイス, Baisu) is the leader of The Evil Dôji Branch and is the central antagonist of the series. In every way, Vice is the opposite of Ultimo and is considers the embodiment of ultimate evil, focused solely on the destruction of Ultimo and all that is deemed good.


He has light orange eyes and wild jet black hair, with two transparent orange visors framing each of his eyes. It was said that when he is sleeping, he appears valiant and almost "heroic", but this was quickly dismissed when he awakens, as he emanates an aura of pure evil.

The clothes that he wears are of the highest quality, featuring both an open green jacket and a black hakama, with printed grey hexagon designs, tied with a red sash. A large piece of torn green fabric hangs from the center of the sash, embellished with the images of three white hexagons. Outwardly; only two large and deep green gauntlets on his arms, with ornate white clouds designs, belie the fact that he isn't human.

In his human form, he wears a sweat suit with a white t-shirt underneath, with sandals and his trademark messy hair. In his 12th century human form, he is seen wearing a kimono, adorned with swirling circle patterns and wears a samurai sword, which extends from his sash. His trademark messy hair is combed down, giving him a more human appearance.


Robot Crest

After preforming the Pledge Ritual with his master, Vice's Robot Crest (Karakuri Mon) appears upon the underside of the person's right forearm, taking the form of three ornate interlocking hexagons surrounded by a much larger individual one, resembling a turtle's shell.


As Vice is the incarnation of ultimate evil, both his actions and personality exemplify all the characteristics that are universally considered evil, such as cruelty and deceitfulness. He shows absolutely no sympathy for his victims or his allies, killing impulsively and is even casual about it. He is often seen with a wide grin when he is killing, as he enjoys violence and is prone to starting battles. These qualities have a constant and unwavering influence upon his motives and judgments, holding treachery and immorality in the highest regards. As noted by Ultimo and others, that his crazy and immoral views limit him to performing acts that involves only the simplest of motives and movements as he lacks the necessary restraint and composure to do otherwise; therefore he is predicable and this flaw can be use against him by smarter opponents.

There is absolutely no goodness in Vice, and he even claims that the good in his soul was cut away from him. Even the other evil dôji seems to fear Vice, which he uses to keep them in line. These influences are also the foundation of his crudeness and extreme superiority complex, which manifests itself as a continuously torrent of foul language and sudden violent outbursts. Prideful and arrogant, he deems everyone to be inferior to himself, which often leads him to underestimate his enemies, refusing any help from his allies and apparently doesn't like to be rescued.


The 30th Century

Created in the year 2989 A.D of the 30th Century, Vice was made as the embodiment of "pure evil" by genius scientist, Roger Dunstan, for the sole purpose of his One Hundred Machine Funeral. Together with his good counterpart, Ultimo, the two slumbering Karakuri Dôji were whisked into the timestream by their creator to find appropriate masters for them and began facilitating his plans.

The 12th Century

Placed in a wooden box, the inactivated Vice and Ultimo were taken to the Heian period of feudal Japan and was inadvertently awaken by Yamato, a young bandit attempting rob Dunstan. Under the impression that Dunstan was a trader and the two dôji were dolls, Yamato opened their boxes, with Ultimo opening his eyes and starting talking to the bandits. This caused Yamato to believe that Vice and Ultimo were children being sold to the corrupted nobles of the era and threaten Dunstan with his sword. Furious over being woke up and compared to a child, Vice loudly announced his intention to kill all the bandits, causing one fire arrows at him in a state of panic. Vice easily caught the arrows and threw them back the perpetrator, killing him before swiftly eliminating the other archers. Relishing in his bloodlust, Vice expressed excitement towards the carnage and transformed into his ICON mode. Signaling out Yamato since he was the one to wake him up, Vice proclaimed that Yamato will be last to one die so that Vice could tortured him with sight of him killing his comrades.

However, Yamato bravely stood up to Vice and vow to defeat him alone, ordering the other bandits to flee, but they refused out of the deep comradery the hold for each other. While Vice was impressed by Yamato's gall, he ridiculed his reckless foolishness and took offense that the bandits could beat him with primitive weapons. As he charged at the bandits, Vice was hit by Ultimo, who was moved by the bandits' deep affection and loyalty for each other and decided to protect them. Ultimo attempted to talk Vice down, reasoning that he already killed six and any more would be senseless cruelty. Reverting to his normal form, Vice scoffed at Ultimo's reasoning and eagerly jumped into battling his counterpart after the latter threaten to kill him. However, Ultimo was able to pushed Vice back and chased him away, leaving Vice to journey across the land and accustomed himself to the era.

After three years of wondering the land in human form, Vice one day encountered the bedraggled overthrown Emperor Emperor Kotsutsubo in the middle of the road. Vice rudely demanded the fallen man to move out of the way and quickly shut down Kotsutsubo's irritated attempts to talk back to him. Recognizing Kotsutsubo's identity and that he was a fitting master for him, Vice displayed his visors and revealed to him that he was a dôji. Vice firmly stated to Kotsutsubo that he would be using him as a way to defeat Ultimo and outright told him that he was the one charge in their dynamic. Vice preformed the Pledge Ritual with Kotsutsubo and then moved on to locating Ultimo's whereabouts. Wanting to weaken Ultimo's bond with his master, Yamato, Vice plotted to drive a wedge between them by using Ultimo's jealously towards his master wife, Lady Gekko. One night, Vice and Kotsutsubo revealed themselves to Ultimo, who was doing laundry by himself at a lake. When Ultimo was about to call for Yamato, Vice assured him that he wasn't going to fight him, but to "warn" Ultimo about Lady Gekko. Vice remarked how she "stole" Yamato from him and that Ultimo has been subconsciously jealous of Lady Gekko for a long time, proclaiming that the negative emotions Ultimo harbored would make him evil. Vice and Kotsutsubo also mentioned that they saw Lady Gekko secretly buying clothes for herself, stating it was proof that Lady Gekko was taking advantaged of Yamato and the other bandits. Vice proclaimed that Lady Gekko would corrupt Yamato and the bandits unless Ultimo does something, prompting to the latter to killed his master’s wife in cold blood.

Sometime afterwards, Vice and Kotsutsubo sensed Ultimo's bond Yamato was shattered and decided to strike at the good dôji in their ICON. As they flew to the temple Ultimo was staying at, they were intercepted by the monk Ekobo and Regla, one of other dôjis Dunstan created. While fighting, Ekobo noted that Vice's lack of care towards human life and warned him that his behavior will never make him happy, though Vice resort that he doesn't want happiness. Vice quickly overwhelmed God Regla and fatally stabbed them, killing the monk. However, God Regla kept Demon Vice occupied long enough for Yamato and Ultimo to reconciled their bond, allowing the good duo to confront them. The outcome of the battle was unknown, but Ultimo and Yamato were presumably able to drive Vice and Kotsutsubo off.

The 21st Century

Part I

Centuries later, Vice eventually came to the 21st Century, arriving at the same as Ultimo in Farmless City. Soon after landing in the city, Vice went on a rampage in his ICON mode and started destroying everything in sight, but Ultimo was able to protect the innocent civilians. Happy to see his good counterpart, Vice reverted to his normal form and was then shot a by K, a weak and feeble-minded member of the police force, and Kotsutsubo's reincarnation, send to stop Vice. Since bullets were ineffective towards him, Vice easily brushed them off and resumed attacked wildly, though Ultimo kept neutralizing his attacks. Their fighting lead them into flying into the stratosphere and the two dôji ended up gravely injuring each other. Due to Ultimo managing to severed Vice's arm during their conflict, his arm fell back down to Farmless City and was soon found by K. Wanting to use Vice to make his life easier, K took advantage of Vice's severed arm and preformed the Pledge Ritual, which also allowed Vice recovered from his injuries. For the next year, Vice bid his time and wait until Yamato's modern reincarnation showed himself the 21st Century. In the meantime, Vice stayed at K's apartment, Sparrow Place, and spend his time locating his fellow evil dôji brethren and their masters to form The Evil Dôji Branch.

On May 6, 2012, Vice finally sensed Ultimo had woken up due to Yamato Agari, the young bandit's teenaged reincarnation, making contact with the good dôji. Jumping on the chance defeat his swore enemy, Vice flew into the city and found Yamato riding the bus with his friend, Rune Kodaira. Overhearing how Yamato didn't wished to get involved with the Karakuri Dôji and the One Hundred Machine Funeral, Vice appeared in front of bus and proclaimed to the teenager that he was already involved with the situation. Vice then used his Karakuri Hange to bisect the bus in two, but his aim was off by Ultimo, who held the two halves to prevent them crashing into the ground. Ultimo sensed that Vice's power level meant he found a master already, which Vice openly confirmed. Seeing Ultimo trying to search for K (who was blending in the crowd), the evil dôji ridiculed Ultimo's efforts since he knew Ultimo didn't have the ruthlessness to harm his master. Since Ultimo couldn't attack with his hands full and Vice sensed he didn't renew the Pledge Ritual with Yamato yet, Vice stabbed Ultimo near his spirit sphere, remarking how weak his good counterpart was without a master. Since his arm was close to Ultimo's soul sphere, Vice threatened to kill Ultimo should he fights back. Furious over Ultimo's condition, Yamato to confront Vice, who taunted Yamato and threaten to destroy everyone he loves before killing him. When Yamato impulsively attempted to hit the evil dôji, Vice shift his focus on the teenager, which gave Ultimo the chance to bisected Vice before the two made physical contact with each other.

Despite wounding Vice, Ultimo's body motion also caused his spirit sphere to cracked, leaving the battle between the two in a stalemate as they shut down. Since Ultimo dropped the bus halves, this also caused an explosion, drawing more attention from the police and bystanders. Amidst the chaos, K came to retrieve Vice's body and revealed himself to Yamato, explaining to the latter how he and Vice met. Since Vice couldn't fight back, K took the opportunity to hit and yell at Vice in rage over causing a commotion in the city. Sicken by K's crude and immature behavior, Yamato became aggressive to him, but K commanded the unconscious Vice to protect him. As Yamato attempted to punch K again, Vice's body automatically response to his master's command, blocking Yamato's fist with his hand and hurting him in the process. As Vice began to transformed in their ICON to protect K, the latter noted that Vice will need some time to recover and steered themselves back home, promising to meet Yamato again. Despite the uproar Vice started, the secret of the Karakuri Dôji was protected due the efforts of Ekobo's reincarnation, Shin Ekoda, and Regla, who covered up the debacle and was made aware of Yamato's presence because the incident.

The next morning, Vice continued to recover from his injuries, while K questioned his motives of letting The Good Dôji Club run free and get stronger with any intervention. Vice snapped at K for questioning him and explained that there was no reason for him act because the stronger their enemies get, they will to. He also told K that the he already set his plan into motion by sending Hana Koganei and Edile to confront Yamato and Ultimo at the former's high school, Senjo Academy. Later, once he was finished healing, Vice head out to secretly observed the ICON battle between Yamato and Rune, who recently became Jealous's new master, near Mt. Fuji. When Yamato able to sway Rune's heart to stop, Vice revealed himself by bisecting Demon Jealous, remarking on how he has no use for someone like Rune. Excited that the One Hundred Machine Funeral has started, Vice declared his intentions to kill all the Good Dôji Club many times over. As K loudly shows himself, a furious God Ultimo vowed to make the evil duo pay, which Vice gave gleeful response to. Transforming into their ICON, Demon Mask engaged in a fight with God Ultimo, but Eco and Regla attempted stop them. However, Fusataro Fussa and Rage intercepted God Regla and stabbed them, catching Demon Vice and God Ultimo's attention and paused their battle. Annoyed by their appearance, Vice questioned why they were here since he previously told them not to come, but K explained that he was the one the called other Evil Dôji Branch members. Demon Mask stood by and watched the other members of the Evil Dôji Branch swarmed the area and took the rest of the Good Dôji Club hostage, preventing God Ultimo from taking action against them. After K proclaimed their group's intention to rule over the world and the slaughter of their enemies, Demon Mask took advantaged of Yamato's state of shock and inability to fight back to viciously beat God Utimo down.

Despite nearly winning, Demon Mask's victory was halted by Yamato using the remaining energy in God Ultimo to manipulated Space-Time, rewinding time to the day before. As a result, Vice, his allies, and everyone else lost their memories of the events, with the expectation of Yamato and Musashi Murayama due to God Regla's abilities.

Part II

Due to turning back time to the morning of May 6, events unfolded differently due to Yamato purposefully choosing not to make contact with Ultimo and waking him up, thus preventing Vice from sensing them. After various events occurred, one of which involving Tomomitsu Iruma and Jealous having a public showdown with Yamato and Ultimo, Vice found out about the time traveling incident. Angered by keeping out of the loop, Vice vowed to kill the Good Dôji Club as "punishment". After he crushed a bottle he was drinking in anger, Vice prepared to head out, which K remarked how motivated the evil Karakuri Dôji seemed. Vice corrected K that he was going to "play" and he must make a move or they won't able to defeat Dunstan. Noticing K's puzzlement, Vice explained that Dunstan will reset time once the One Hundred Machine Funeral was over. Vice also noted the Dunstan would likely get rid of the dôji and their masters since it was too dangerous to let them live. While K panicked over the realization, Vice amusedly told his master to not to worry and come along with him, wanting crush as many enemies as he can before the One Hundred Machine Funeral.

Vice tracked some of the Good Dôji Club members to their base, Shakujii Medical, and overheard Koun Shakujii lecturing Hiroshi Kumegawa and Machi Shina how killing others damaged one's soul. Attaching himself to a window behind Shakujii, Vice announced his presence by remarking on the old doctor's words, saying that he never felt bad about killing others. He then destroyed the wall and caused an explosion, but Goge, Slow, and Pardonner protected their masters from his attack. As Goge and Slow restrained Vice by his arms, the evil dôji greeted his brethren and gloated them by telling them to call for their allies since a one-against-three battle isn't enough to satisfy for him. While Vice's brethren remarked that Vice was crazy for picking a fight in such a way, Hiroshi and Machi were swayed by his provocation and accepted his challenge. While Shakujii urged the others not to be provoke by Vice, the two voiced their intention to defeat him to make things easier for tomorrow, but promised they won't crush Vice's spirit sphere. As Hiroshi and Machi transformed into their ICONs, Shakujii tried to talk them down, only for Vice impaled him with his gauntlet and told the old man to not to interfere. Due to the shock of his master's death, the frozen Pardonner was also stabbed through the head by Vice, who commented that Pardonner wasn't worth fighting since he didn't have a master anymore. The enraged God Goge and God Slow attacked Vice with their Noh at full power, which Vice quickly retaliated by ordering a cowering K to join him. Transforming into their ICON, Vice boasted about his Noh, Incompetence, being superior to theirs and ridicule his opponents for being weak. Vice used his Bone Negation, causing a massive explosion and seemingly finishing off God Goge and God Slow.

With his opponents nowhere in sight, Vice off-handily remarked overdoing it with his power and prepared to head home. However, Vice realize that God Goge and God Slow was still alive and survived his attack using Slow's Noh. When Vice commented how his attack missing their vital points, Machi clarify that Slow's Noh caused his Bone Negation to completely missed them. God Slow also pointed out that Slow's fate manipulation struck Vice with bad luck, which K confirmed as a steel beam punctured their leg. As K panicked, God Goge stated that they been using their emotion manipulation Noh on K, but Vice snapped at his master to refocus. While ripping out the steel beam from his leg, Vice quipped that K was naturally a coward and that their Noh won't affect him. Annoyed by Vice's arrogance, God Slow then threw their claws at Vice, daring him to dodge them, but the evil dôji let the claws hit him. He bragged that he was too powerful to be damage by the claws and was unaffected by God Goge's attempt to fill Vice's soul with love. Vice scoffed at God Goge trying to "reform" him, stating that as the greatest evil dôji, he didn't have any goodness in him. Getting close to God Goge, Vice slashed with his claws and then brutally ripped God Goge's head off from his body, leaving Hiroshi paralyzed from the neck down from the nerve damage. Taunting Machi, Vice derided that she and Hiroshi made a mistake for challenging him to a fighting and promised to send the couple into the afterlife together. God Slow vowed to inflict the worst bad luck possible, but Vice noted that luck was simply a series options and only death awaits Machi since battle the started.

As Machi despaired over her weakness, Eco and Regla arrived to help and stopped Demon Mask in their tracks by using their Noh to make Vice forget what he was doing. While the good duo brought enough time for God Slow to flee with God Goge, Vice soon shook off the effects of their Noh and skewered God Regla in retaliation. Despite the pain, Eco engaged Vice in conversation, commenting how Vice was born to be pure evil and expressed sympathy for the evil dôji since he was destined to only know carnage and never be satisfy. Addressing the sushi chef as "Ekobo", Vice shrugged off his words and recalled how he killed him back the 12th century. Wanting to toy with Eco, Vice pondered of destroying Eco so badly that won't be able to reincarnate again, but Eco told Vice that he accepted his death. Using the last of his strength, Eco used Regla's Noh to imparted important memories to his allies, and that he pray that Vice would escaped his suffering one day, which only angered the latter to finished off the sushi chef.

Part III

After dealing with Eco, Vice and K return home to rest and then called the rest of The Evil Dôji Branch for a meeting to discuss the One Hundred Machine Funeral. As they waited for everyone to gather, Vice changed into his human form and head outside, only to find find his allies squabbling over fashion and three teen boys they were terrorizing. Vice yelled at them for making him wait, frightening the other evil Karakuri Dôji into silence, and killed the teenagers to remove any interlopers. As Vice began to conduct the meeting, Roger Dunstan and Milieu appeared, praising Vice and others for weakening their opponents. While most of the other members panicked over Dunstan, Vice nonchalantly pierced his fingers through K's glasses, stopping short of his eyes, and annoyingly ordered his master to calm down. Vice cockily inquired his creator's presence, asking if he was here to scold or congratulate them for them basically winning. Dunstan amusingly resorted that he excepted Vice and the others to caused trouble and remind him the One Hundred Machine Funeral wasn't over yet. Dunstan mentioned that he knew that Vice and other members were planning to defeat him, which made the rest more nervous about their situation. Dunstan and Milieu explained that that Vice and the rest of his allies they were under the misconception about the One Hundred Machine Funeral was a straightforward battle. They explained that in order to win the One Hundred Machine Funeral each side sway must convince members of the opposition to join their side, which greatly upset the Evil Dôji Branch as they felt they were at a disadvantage. However, Rune Kodaira pointed out they can keep defeating their enemies until they break their spirits, but Vice expressed his distaste of these conditions.

Vice declared that he or the others didn't have to follow Dunstan's rules and transformed into his ICON with K. As he charged at Dunstan, the latter stopped Vice with Space-Time manipulation. Amused by the evil dôji's defiance, Dunstan reminded Vice that he could use all the Noh since he was his "father" and that he won't let Vice ruin his experiment. Vowing to teach Vice that he can't defy him, Dunstan and Milieu transformed into their ICON - a gigantic dragon that towers over Demon Mask - and quickly defeated Vice and K. By the time Yamato and Ultimo to Sparrow Place, Demon Mask was helplessly in God Milieu's clutches, though Vice and K were still conscious. As Dunstan and God Ultimo bantered with each other, Vice weakly demanded that the latter stay back because he wanted to be the one to fight Dunstan. Displeased with Vice interrupting him, Dunstan painfully squeezed Demon Mask and warned Vice to stay silent. As The Good Dôji Club skirmish with Dunstan, they were able to land a hit on him, which freed Demon Mask from his grasp. With everyone in attendance, Dunstan explained the rules for the One Hundred Machine Funeral and reminded everyone that he was watching them before disappearing.

Afterwards, both groups separated, with Rune mentioning that the entire Evil Dôji Branch agreed to go about their lives during the year-long Hundred Machine Funeral. By morning, Vice already recovered from his injuries, though K was put in a full-body cast and wasn't able to move. Much to his master's concern, Vice spent most of the morning silently brooding over yesterday's events in his human form. Hungry for food, Vice finally spoke up to ordered K to make him something, but K protested since he won't be able to move for a while. Vice stated he would buy food and, in a surprisingly nice gesture, and offered to get something for K too. While walking in the streets, Vice reflected over his out-of-character behavior towards K, though he flimsily tried to find ways to excused his attitude. As his thoughts wondered to Yamato, Vice was met with a young high school student named Jun Chichibu. Although Vice warned the boy to get out of his way or be killed, Jun was unfazed and started muttering out personal details about Vice and admitted to have been watching him since yesterday.

Annoyed by Jun's demeanor, Vice transformed his arm into his gauntlet and stabbed the boy, but Jun darkly pleased by Vice's actions and proclaimed his suicidal desires to die with Vice as his dôji. Disgusted by Jun's words, Vice kicked him and called him crazy for daring to speak to him in such a way. Vice prepared to behead the teen, which Jun gleefully welcomed him to do, but Rune and Jealous arrived to urged Vice to stop. Rune explained that killing Jun would only please him and Jealous stated that Jun strongly wishes for death, which only confused Vice. Jealous described that Jun was a rare "evil elite", telling Vice that Jun absolutely only lives for himself and he should consider Jun's proposal. Scoffing at that idea, Vice told his allies that he found Jun disgusting and stomped on the teenager. Revigorated by his recent bloodshed, Vice declared the real One Hundred Machine Funeral begins now and ordered Jealous to contact Fussa and Rage, and have them make the first strike.

Vice commanded that Fussa and Rage to draw out an opponent, with the former choosing to target Musashi Murayama and Sophia. Leaving Jun to his lonesome, Vice, Rune, and Jealous stayed hidden from afar from Fussa's music studio and spied stayed hidden from afar when Musashi and Sophia arriving later in the day. Despite Vice telling Fussa earlier not to pick a fight, Musashi and Fussa ended up engaging in an ICON and came bursting out the building. While the trio somewhat bemused by this, Jealous offered to stop the battle on Vice's order, but remarked that the fight was a good opportunity to see how the rule system for the One Hundred Machine Funeral worked. Vice agreed to let Fussa fight it out, stating it would good chance to take Sophia, though he scoffed at the thought of needing the good dôji to win, and mused it would put pressure on Ultimo. As God Sophia lure Demon Rage their location, Vice and Jealous went after them to keep watching the fight, though Rune declined to go with them. When God Sophia started to overwhelmed Demon Rage, Vice ridiculed Fussa for falling into Musashi's trap, but Sophia suddenly shut down. Unaware that Sophia was internally damaged, Vice demanded a explanation from Jealous, who told him he doesn't know the reason since Musashi has a Anti-Noh device to block his Noh.

Shrugging off Jealous's inability to him give an answer, Vice ordered Fussa to kill Musashi, but Fussa refused attack on an defenseless enemy. Annoyed by Fussa talking back to him, Vice furiously sent Fussa and Rage flying away with a powerful kick as an exasperated Jealous looked on. Vowing to teach Fussa a lesson for being soft later, Vice transformed in his ICON mode and turned his attention to the helpless God Sophia. Although Vice admitted he wanted Sophia, he decided to just kill both of them since Sophia was broken and useless to him. Wanting to prolong their suffering, Vice choose to brutalize God Sophia until he got bored, but Yamato and Ultimo showed up in time to save Musashi and Sophia. Greeting the two, Vice inquired if Ultimo was here to settle things with him, which the latter confirmed since they both think alike and wanted to avoid a prolong conflict. Vice then quickly attempted to skewered Yamato and Ultimo, but Ultimo used his Noh to freeze him in place. Wanting to prevent any destruction to the city, the good duo transformed into their ICON and teleported themselves with Vice to the mountains. God Ultimo undo Ultimo's Noh on Vice and offered him a head-on fight, but Vice was baffled as to why they didn't hurt him while he was frozen. Taking it as insult to his ability, Vice spitefully proclaimed that he won't lose even if they use Ultimo's Noh and kicked lava at them in rage. Amidst their skirmish, Vice purposely let God Ultimo hit him to show how little their attacks actually affected him and then countered with heavy blows. Just before Vice could land a fatal blow, Ultimo froze Vice again and, after a short debate, decide to leave Vice alone since they had other duties to attend too.

To halt Vice's battle-hungry attitude, God Ultimo kept him froze and placed K in tree as a message to Vice that he can't face Ultimo and Yamato on equal ground until his master was better. Once Ultimo's Noh wore off, Vice saw his master and understood the message, bemusedly conceding it and flew K back home. After stepping out to get food, Vice loudly returned to the apartment to find K and Jun, who was secretly saved by Rune for his own machinations. Not remembering Jun, Vice casually questioned what K was doing and slowly took in the fact K accidently shot himself in the foot with Jun's crossbow. After laughing at his master's misfortune, Vice learned from Jun everything the boy has been up to since they last met, and how Rune's plans to manipulate him and the rest of their allies. While entertained by Jun's info, Vice remarked that won't change his methods of simply killing anyone getting in his way and that he detest petty schemes. As he was about to kill Jun, Vice was stopped by K, who explained the mess they would be in if Jun died and that the teen could be useful to them. This suggestion only angered the unstable Jun and provoked him into attacking K, which Vice laughingly stated Jun's actions only reinforced his intent to kill him.

As Vice leaped towards Jun, he was elbowed in the face by Goge, who was in the area with his new master Hibari Oume, and they overheard Vice's conversation with Jun. Despite Hibari's wish to defeat Vice, Goge wanted to retreat since fighting him now would not be ideal, but Vice quickly recovered to lunged at them. Goge swiftly countered Vice using his bare hands, telling Vice that his movements were too direct, and sent him crashing outside. Goge quickly continue to hit Vice with numerous attacks, slamming him hard into the ground and damaged his outer tissues, causing him temporarily shut down. With his chest wide open, Hibari attempted to break Vice's sprit sphere, but she lost her temper and her hate-filled emotions helped Vice healed. As soon as he could move, Vice used his ribs to stab Hibari and mockingly disregarded her sense of justice, in particularly gloating how her malice revive him. With K, Jun, and Hibari providing him with energy, Vice attainted his second state, a special power-up form, and easily dismembered Goge into pieces after the latter tried to save Hibari. Before Vice could do anything to Hibari, Kaizo Oume, who is Hibari's father, and Avaro arrived to convince the girl to join them. After Hibari refused, Kaizo ordered to Avaro to finish her off, but the rest of the Good Dôji Club showed up to save her by using Ultimo's Noh freeze Avaro mid-air.

As Ultimo congratulated Vice for reaching his Second form, Vice moved in to attack him, who attempted to use his Noh on Vice. However, Vice used his new ability to steal the Noh of the other dôji, making Ultimo's Time Stop move ineffective against him, and hit the latter across the face. Unconcerned with the One Hundred Machine Funeral rules, Vice was eager to take out the whole club, with Yamato and his group were unsure what to do since it was dangerous to use Noh in Vice's vicinity. Wanting to disable Vice's senses with Sophia, Musashi planned make the first move, but Vice noticed his intention and sliced off his hand. Yamato and Ultimo drew Vice's attention before he could do any more damage, with Ultimo being able to temporary freeze Vice long enough for Musashi to transformed his arm into a large gun and blasted him away. Although the Good Dôji Club quickly fled, Rune and Jealous (who were watching everything nearby) told Vice of their plans to time travel to 1947 and he decided to follow them. Taking the rest of the Evil Dôji Branch and Jun (taking the teen on as a secondary master) with him, Vice transported them to the year of 1944 and trained for the next three year against the army while waiting for Ultimo's arrival. At one point, Vice was able to secretly steal Jealous's Noh, allowing him to keep a closer eye on Rune. One night at Kaizo's house, Vice was pleased received a reported by Kaizo, who he sent to be a lookout, that their enemies were in 1947 and declared all out war against them. By the next morning, Vice sent Hana and Edile to show themselves to the Good Dôji Club and let them know they were the same time period.

By nightfall, Vice has accepted Makoto Sayama as a new ally, who was secretly Dunstan's daughter and has betrayed Yamato in favor joining the former to defeat her father. While watching over Yamato's actions, Vice oversaw Ultimo reaching his Second state, though he and the others were unfazed by this development. Since God Ultimo was overwhelming Demon Jealous in their fight, K asked whether they should assist them but Vice laughingly waved off the idea. Having covertly stolen Jealous's Noh a long time ago, Vice stated that he longer needs Rune and Jealous, especially Rune was plotting behind his back. Vice stated that Rune and Jealous that die fighting God Ultimo, hoping to use this their battle to learn about the newly upgraded Ultimo's capabilities. Vice then used Jealous's Noh to mess with a nervous Kaizo, who panicking over if Vice knew of his plans to use the Karakuri Dôji for his own benefits, and snuck up behind him to mock him. This startled Kaizo to fling up a tray of drinks, which Vice used Time Stop to halt their motion and prevent the glasses and liquids from falling down. Relishing over his brethren's Nohs, Vice bragged how Jealous's telepathy-based Noh allowed him to see the evils in other people's hearts and how it makes him grow stronger. As he walked pass Sayama, Vice expressed how he'll destroy Yamato and reveal to him that Sayama was a traitor.

After Sayama and Regla went out to try tamper with Yamato's memories, Vice sent Mizho, Paresse, Hana, Edile, Sumako Miyoshi, and Désir to back her up. From Kaizo's home, Vice witnessed how Yamato was able to appeal to Sayama into returning to his side and the appearance of Dunstan, who kidnapped his daughter back to The 30th Century. In addition, Fussa and Rage sided with the Good Dôji Club, though the rest of the Evil Dôji Branch retreat back to Vice after Dunstan's exit to discuss what happened. Concerned by Vice's inaction, Jun questioned why the evil dôji didn't confront his creator when he had the chance. Vice angrily ordered Jun to be quiet since he was feeling pain inside his chest and lashed out on both of his masters when K and Jun worried over whether Vice was "broken" in any way. Knowing how weakened the Good Dôji Club was at the moment, Vice choose to capitalize on the opportunity and commanded that Jun join him on the mission. Vice also directed his remaining allies to follow from a distance, though Kaizo ended up betraying Vice and secretly went to warn Yamato's group due to wanting to keep his business relationship the 1947 Hibari in tact. As he head towards Hibari's home, Vice was intercepted by Ultimo, who was waiting for Vice without Yamato by his side. Vice wondered if Ultimo and his allies were planning an ambush, but Ultimo assured him that he was alone because he didn't want Yamato to stop him from using his Noh.

Seeing how determined his good counterpart was, Vice sardonically compared Ultimo's attitude to be similar to the one that drove him to killed Lady Gekko, proclaiming that it was his "true nature" and that Ultimo was just like him. As Ultimo charged at them, Vice and Jun entered their ICON mode and used Jealous's Noh to dodged Ultimo enough for his Crane Sword to grazed them. As they quickly overwhelmed the good dôji, Jun psychopathically expressed his pleasure of the battle, which caused to Vice briefly hesitated a few times out of repulse. After slicing off Ultimo's arm and downing him, Jun went on a crazed rant of how he wish to destroy everyone in the world, which served to be the last straw for Vice. Disgusted by Jun's psychopathic demeanor, Vice ejected Jun out of him and called the boy "rotten", especially since Jun resembled Vice so much. As he was detransforming from ICON mode and focus on Jun, Vice was left wide open for an attack, which Ultimo promptly took advantaged of and stabbed Vice through the chest. In a rare moment of vulnerability, Vice bitterly opened up to Ultimo about how his created as the embodiment of evil and how he initially enjoyed the violence of it, but admitted that he began to loathed it and how it made him suffered. Vice remarked how alike he and Ultimo were, pointing out that his good counterpart will become more like him the more Ultimo choose not to forgive evil and that Ultimo himself was self-aware of this fact. Enraged and disappointed towards Vice for going against his nature, Jun shoot an arrow at Vice's neck, which also dislodged the him from Ultimo's Crane Sword and making both dôjis fall to the ground.

When Jun voiced his intention to hit Vice's spirit sphere and called him "worthless", Vice lamented how he lost his strength after achieving enlightenment. Deeming himself "broken" and "irresolute", Vice welcomed death due to being weak, but K arrived to restrain Jun and praised Vice for gaining "true strength". Having an epiphany of his own, K explained to Vice his grandmother's wisdom and that Vice had learned about love by deviating from Dunstan's design as the "ultimate evil". As Jun resisted K's hold over him, Yamato and the able-bodied members of the Good Dôji Club appeared to the scene, promising not to let Vice or K die. After Yamato stated his intention to take everyone to the 30th Century, Vice reminded that he never agree to side with him and called out the rest of the Evil Dôji Branch to reveal themselves. Despite his pride, Vice visibly struggled from his injuries and barely got back on his feet. Musashi tried to reason with Vice not to fight since he and his remaining allies were outnumbered, but Vice slashed Musashi's body apart, leaving the cyborg teen with only his head and shoulders. After Vice further taunted his enemies, Ultimo and Yamato understood the evil dôji would only submit if they beat him and accepted his challenge. After one last (off-screen) fight, Yamato and Ultimo came out victorious over Vice, though the latter ended up giving Yamato a scar over his eye for his troubles. With Vice successfully converted to Yamato' side, the rest of The Evil Dôji Branch followed suit and aligned with The Good Dôji Club. Under Yamato's leadership, both sides focused on training for their impending battle with Dunstan.

Once they were ready, the masters and their Karakuri Dôji head to Dunstan's tower in the the 30th Century. While on a hilltop, a group began chatting how far they come, but Vice was eager to get started and cut the conversation off. Vice and the rest of the Evil Dôji Branch to entered into their ICON mode and merge into their combined form - Villainy Demon Vice From The Dark. As the siege at Dunstan's tower commenced, Dunstan personally confronted Demon Vice and God Ultimo, launching a powerful attack that would have destroy them in one hit. Fortunately, Ultimo used his Noh and had their future counterparts switching places with them, allowing Vice and everyone else able to survived the attack. To that that masters learned Dunstan's lesson of accepting good and evil as a whole, God Ultimo has all the masters to gathered around them and began fusing Vice and Ultimo's souls together. As the Good Dôji Club started fusing Vice and Ultimo's spirit spheres, the Evil Dôji Branch attacked Dunstan and Milieu to covered them from any interferences. After Yamato saved Sayama, she can help complete the fusion and create Ideos Ultimo - a form that symbolize of the unity between good and evil.

Pleased by how both sides' realization of the nature of good and evil, Dunstan praised them for their efforts and revealed the real reason of his experiment was to save the future from its destruction. Dunstan then forcefully dispelled everyone else from their ICONs and immobilize the dôjis, leading all the masters to free fall in the air. In order to move on to the phrase of his experiment, Dunstan used Time-Space manipulation to transported Vice and the others to the 21th Century and turned back time to May 5, but allowed everyone to keep their memories in tact. Instead of having the Karakuri Dôji keeping their robotic forms, Dunstan choose to turn Vice and his brethren into humans. Vice choose to stay with K and his grandmother, continuing to live with them at the Sparrow Place. Despite still treating K with an abrasive attitude, Vice is slowly becoming kinder to him, showing that he was growing to be a better person.



Just as Vice is the incarnation of the ultimate evil, Ultimo is the incarnation of ultimate good. The two together were originally created to finally provide an answer to the question of "which is stronger, good or evil?". This pits them in a constant state of conflict with each other over the differences in their actions and ideals. Vice always look forward to fighting Ultimo to prove his dominance over him and enjoys mocking him to see Ultimo suffer.

At the end of the series, Ultimo and Vice are able to come to an understanding each other and on much friendlier terms, allowing them to synchronize with each other to beat Dunstan and end the One Hundred Machine Funeral.


"Hey, I'm looking for a master. You'll be mine, right? But...don't get me wrong! Even if you're the master, I'll be the one giving orders here, is that clear?!"
―Vice, meeting K[src]

K is a former member of Farmless City's S.K.A.T. team, who came into conflict with Vice during his first appearance in the 21st century, but he was able to obtain part of Vice's severed arm to become his master. However, Vice takes the lead role rather than him, making their relationship strained at best and is the one that gives out orders. Vice occasionally calls him an idiot or a fool, and takes the lead when they are in their ICON mode.

However, Vice knows that K is necessary to exert his full power because he is his master and must show some restrain on if K was too injured to fight with him. At the end of the series, K and Vice's relationship has notably improved; though Vice is still rather abrasive towards K, he starts treating him with a little more kindness and continues to live with K.

Yamato Agari

According to Ultimo, ever since in the 12th Century, when Yamato first woke him up and ordered Ultimo to chase him away, Yamato is on his "Death List". Vice is usually trying to kill him, but is impressed that Yamato shows no fear towards him, and is often surprised by his actions. After Yamato saves him from Roger Dunstan, Vice was shown thinking about him when questioning he previously offer to buy food to an injured K. However, that doesn't stop Vice from attacking Yamato and trying to kill him immediately seeing him again.

Roger Dunstan

Dunstan is creator of Vice, Ultimo, and the rest of the the Karakuri Dôji. He crates Vice and brethren to found out if good or evil is stronger. Although he is aware of his purpose, Vice plans to fight against Dunstan once the One Hundred Machine Funeral is over, as he says that Dunstan plans to reset everything again so that The Evil Dôji Branch will not take over the world. Unlike most dôji, he doesn't fear Dunstan and even recklessly challenge him to a fight, only to be quickly defeated with ease.


As a robot Vice display enhanced senses and strength compared to a human's, even has abilities that are unique compared to the other Karakuri Dôji. On Dunstan's wishes and view of evil, Vice was designed without limitations, the most obvious being that he can change into his ICON form without the need of a master.


Vice has revealed his Noh power to be Incompetence, which he says is the ultimate evil; complete consumption and absolute destruction. However, it is unclear how and what extent this Noh can be used.

Karakuri Henge

Turtle Saw

Turtle Saw

  • Mouth of the Fox (Ko Guchi): This transformation involves Vice converting his left arm into a shape that is reminiscent of a mechanical depiction of a fox's head. The head itself features a gaping jaw, but instead of teeth only sharpened edges are present, resulting in the technique seemingly functioning more like scissors. However, it's true potential was not seen, as the ability was easily seen through and stopped by Ultimo.
  • Turtle Saw (Kamenoko): This transformation alters either of Vice's arm into the form of a jagged and serrated saw blade, that is many times larger than himself. The blade itself is formed with a hilt that closely resembles a turtle's head with the blade extending forth from the creature's lower jaw and even when considering its large size, Vice wields it with both extreme ease and power.
    • Saw Slice (Nokogiribiki): A simple yet robust horizontal slash, that is extremely effective, being able to slice a complete bus and all of its contents into two with relatively little effort.
  • Turtle-Headed Blade: A transformation that has only been displayed in Chapter 0, changing Vice's left arm to the structure of an enormous turtle's head featuring a large rigid and hooked beak. The arm itself functions primarily as an impact weapon; using its large mass and area to significantly magnify the already formidable blows Vice is capable of dealing.
  • Demon Drum (Oni Doramu): Another pilot chapter transformation that modifies Vice's right arm into the shape of an angular drum, that is capable of producing sound waves that can achieve speeds of supersonic proportions. The resulting destructive force released by the preceding blast is enough to completely level a town the size of Farmless City.

Second Form


Vice Back From The Dark.

Vice Back From The Dark is a new, stronger dôji form that Vice gained after he fed off Hibari Oume's malice and turned into substance, allowing him to heal quickly and grow stronger. In this new form, he gains samurai-like armor over his lower body and a spiked, helmet-like protective gear on his head. Vice's gauntlets become shorter, but gains three long and sharp blades extending from the fingertips. This form enhances Vice's abilities to new heights, but the full effect is seen in his ICON state.

  • Noh Steal: In his "Back From The Dark" form, Vice obtains the ability to steal Noh powers from the other Karakuri Dôji, although it's less powerful and he can only copy the Noh power of a specific move that he witness. Although Vice waste no energy stealing Noh, using it requires a commensurate amount of energy. By feeding of K and Jun Chichibu's evil simultaneously, Vice was able to reach maximum power in this form. Vice only confirms to have stolen Ultimo's Noh and Jealous's Noh, and didn't has display using any other Noh before the One Hundred Machine Funeral ended.


Demon Mask

Demon Mask

Demon Mask

Demon Mask (Oni Men, Demon Vice) is Vice's ICON and most powerful ability; that initiates a full body transformation, changing his form to resemble that of a giant, mechanical demon with a largely skeletal build, that is many times larger than an average human. From the head of the ICON, Vice's helmet seems to spout a version of his wild dark hair and the hands resembles his normal gauntlets' shape and form. Although, size of his arms and head disproportional to the rest of the body. His feet and the lower part of his legs are notably darker colored than the rest of his body. The legs are cover armor plating and his feet is made of three protrusions. The distinctive features of the ICON are the sharp and spiky blades the extends from the face, chest and groin areas of the ICON body. The knife-like bones represents Vice's inner personality.

This technique can either be preformed by Vice alone or with the involvement of his master, K. In regards to the latter; the conversion simultaneously alters Vice's form, while integrating K into this new shape, using the Robot Crest to initiate the technique by previously establishing direct contact with Vice. So far, there appears to be little to no difference in the resulting form between either of the two methods, although Vice's ICON form is weaker without K's presence. Unlike other ICONs, Vice is in full control of himself instead of K, where other dôji are subject to their master's control.

  • Bone Negation: A full body, multi-directional attack that causes all the blades on Vice's body (fingers, horns on his head, ribs, crotch blade, etc.) to extend and skewer his opponents, while at the same time blocking attacks from them.
  • Demon Turtle Saw: A stronger version of Turtle Saw, with a longer mouth with some of the teeth being longer.
    • Great Grind: A grinding attack with the Demon Turtle Saw, where the teeth and vibrations of the blade can cause major damage to an enemy
  • Demon Fox Hammer: A transformation where Demon Vice changes him arm into a hammer designed after a fox's tail.
    • New Year's Eve Bells: A powerful uppercut attack with the Demon Fox Hammer, that can potentially blow a hole through an opponent.

K Demon Mask VBFD

K Demon Mask VBFD (Vice Back From Dark) is a full body Level 2 ICON transformation that alters Vice's form once the master and dôji's will reach a unification of 95% or higher, unlocking his most powerful form. This the final ICON form for when Vice is in his "second form" and unifies with K. The name alludes to K learning the nature of good and refining it towards kindness.

Although twice as large, this ICON form still resembles his normal ICON, taking the form of a mechanical demon with a skeletal build. Noticeable differences is the ICON's armor has a darker coloring, the head taking on a different yet still spiky shape and the hands are more proportion to the body. The legs also larger and more proportional than Vice's usual ICON and has more streamline design. Another distinctive difference is the blades that extends of the face, chest, arms, and groin areas of the ICON is significantly shorter in this form. Vice's forearms are capable of extending a sharp blade, allowing him to use them in battle. On his lower section, a large sword makes up the groin area and Vice also wears a thick, light-colored Yokozuna, a variation of the Shimenawa that is use to ward off evil spirits, with five Yoshida-style Shide extensions underneath it. This transformation's most powerful ability is to combine with the other members of The Evil Dôji Branch, taking on certain parts of his allies' ICON components as they combine with VBFD, who acts as the core body, becoming Villainy Demon Vice Back From Dark.

Jun Demon Vice

Jun Demon Vice is an alternative Level 2 ICON transformation when Vice integrates Jun Chichibu into his body. Unlike Vice's transformations with K, which are accented through spikes and swords, this ICON's form takes on a bow motif, featuring crossbow-like armaments to fit Jun's personal characteristics and reflecting the weapon that Jun uses. The arms are shaped like cross-bows and the torso is hollow, allowing the large recurve bow-shaped structure to point upward and the the bow string to pass through his body. The waist area acts like a holster for six arrows, three on each side. Jun's ICON is considerably more humanoid than K's version, with the spikes on Vice's head being much smaller, normal proportion hands and feet, and his body shape is more slender. Overall, the entire design of the ICON is reflects the current state of Jun's heart.


  • (To Hiroshi Kumegawa and Machi Shina) "Your cheap Noh won't work on me."
  • (To Roger Dunstan) "So what?! Who said that we had to follow these rules, anyway?!"
  • (To K) "Okay, I'll buy you cockroach fried rice with poop sauce."
  • (After gaining Vice Back From The Dark) "BE CAREFUL OF THE NIGHT BEHIND YOU!!!"
  • (To The Good Dôji Club, about his Noh Steal) "The pinnacle of incompetence is taking what others have created without creating anything yourself. The less you do, the more demonically powerful you become, people who work hard look stupid, so its horribly unfair. THAT'S ME: VICE BACK FROM THE DARK!"


  • Vice's design and attacks are based on turtles, demons, and to a small degree, foxes.
  • Despite his green coloring, Vice's theme color is actually iron (steel) color.
  • Vice's favorite food is hamburger steak.
  • Vice bares a heavy resemblance to Jumbor No. 4 Vice, from Takei's lesser known series, "Jumbor Barutronica", in both appearance and name.